Bücher über die Spiele
Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Publikationen über das Oh-Karten Deck und andere Spiele aus dem Genre. Hier finden Sie kurze Artikel, die in verschiedenen Ländern veröffentlicht wurden und die das breite Spektrum der professionellen Anwendung unserer Karten zeigen.
Die Förderung von Phantasie, Kreativität und Selbsterkenntnis...
Die Förderung von Phantasie, Kreativität und Selbsterkenntnis durch die Arbeit mit Symbolen in der Psychotherapie C. G. Jungs und Nachfolgern, am Beispiel des OH-Systems. Von Hedda Christine Lückemeier, 100 Seiten, Abschlussarbeit Uni Bielefeld
Lückemeier beschreibt im ersten Teil Grundbegriffe der Therapie C.G. Jungs, sowie den therapeutischen Umgang mit Symbolen im Allgemeinen. Im zweiten Teil untersucht sie theoretisch und anhand von Fallbeispielen, wieweit die Arbeit mit den OH-Karten geeignet ist Phantasie, Kreativität und Introspektionsfähigkeit des Klienten zu fördern und resümiert, dass die Arbeit mit OH-Karten sich in verschiedene Therapieansätze integrieren lässt und die zeitliche Effizienz einer Therapie steigern kann.
Dialog mit Bildern - Von der Faszination der Bilderreisen
von Gisela Trampert, 2001, 336 Seiten, ISBN 3-89846-049-5
Der “Dialog mit Bildern” zeigt Wege zu den Seelenbildern, wie sie jeder Mensch in sich trägt. Ausdrucksstark schildert die Autorin, die als selbständige Heilpraktikerin und Psychotherapeutin arbeitet, an vielen Beispielen ihr Therapiekonzept, das immer auf eine ganzheitliche Behandlung zielt.
Neben der Einführung in die Grundvoraussetzung der Psychotherapie, dem seelischen Dialog mit den Schwierigkeiten des Patienten, mit Partnerproblemen, Ängsten, Verhaltensstörungen, Schuldkomplexen, Psychosen usw., bietet das Buch eine Vielfalt von imaginativen Methoden bzw. Visualisierungsthechniken an.
Ein Kapitel ist ausschließlich den OH-Karten von Ely Raman gewidmet: Einführung, praktische Beispiele für die Arbeit mit Einzelpersonen wie Gruppen und Anregungen für die Arbeit mit Kindern (mit den Saga-Karten).
Im letzten Kapitel wird durchgehend dargestellt, wie Visualisierungsübungen – auch mit Hilfe der OH-Karten, durch Assoziationen immer wieder zu erstaunlichen Erkenntnissen führen können. Bemerkenswert ist bei den geschilderten Methoden, dass niemals am bekannten Problem oder Symptom gearbeitet wird, sondern der Mensch die Freiheit bekommt, in einem tief entspannten Zustand, bei gleichzeitig geschärftem Wachbewusstsein, aus dem eigenen Innern weisheitsvolle Bilder und Worte zu finden, die dem, was wir vordergründig wissen, oder glauben, gelernt zu haben, weit überlegen sind. Der Mensch hat so die Chance, unabhängig vom Konzept seines Therapeuten, sein eigenes Konzept zu finden, mit dem er jetzt effektiv arbeiten und leben kann.
The OH Cards: A Technique to Enhance Therapeutic Efficacy
by Connie L. Simons. A Clinical Research Project submitted to the faculty of the Illinois School of Professional Psychology/Chicago Northwest Campus in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of the Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology.
The use of OH cards in a therapeutic session proposes to open portions of the unconscious to us and allow us more understanding about our lives. Since essential therapeutic intervention cannot be achieved unless there is some degree of self-understanding, this study proposes that the use of OH cards will help to achieve that purpose.
Using the OH cards can assist a client to reach into the depths of his psyche, and touch upon those elements of the unconscious that can bring forth some of the innate wisdom that is stored within. It is inferred that the way to this process is to merely allow the client to know himself and follow his true path. The cards will allow the client to reach into his mind and draw upon that knowledge.
This study introduces the concept of using OH cards in a therapeutic session in order to increase a patient’s insight or understanding of herself. It is proposed that, with this increased self-understanding, a patient would experience more effective therapeutic results in a shorter period of time.
Guidance And Counselling
Published by Guidance Centre, The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Volume 8, Number 4, March, 1993 “OH Cards: A Process for Interpersonal Exploration, by Honore France and Joan Lawrence”
OH cards are a portable art form and a therapeutic process that fuse the spontaneity of games and the imagination of art into a vehicle for interpersonal and group exploration. As a therapeutic modality OH is limited by neither a theoretical approach nor any specific target population. OH can be used in individual therapy, group counselling, self-therapy, group dynamics, communications training and situations focusing on personal exploration. OH was created by the Canadian artist Elohim Raman in 1976 and consists of 176 cards divided into two decks of 88 cards (i.e., Word and Picture Cards). Each card contains a conceptual signal or a perceptual stimulus expressed in either a picture or a word.
The name OH was given to the cards after it was noticed that many people responded to the cards as they were playing for the first time with “OH”.?The pictures cover a broad range of images from the explosive to the sublime (e.g., nightmare, playing child, rope, embrace). The picture cards are paintings by Raman who chose universal images that he felt would evoke strong personal feelings and thoughts with “players” of the cards. The words are on larger cards, with a single word repeated four times around the edges of the card. The blank space at the centre of the card is where the picture cards are placed during a “game.” The picture and word combination has the potential of producing an entirely different impression and meaning.
All of the words were carefully chosen by Raman because they possessed the potential for a variety of interpretations and had a suggestive impact and were intended to be active rather than passive.?The purpose of this paper is to describes the use of the OH Cards, which use a “game” format to facilitate interpersonal exploration. The OH cards blend art (picture cards) and descriptors (word cards) as a backdrop so “players” can project feelings and meaning onto them. The “game” can be used as a means for focusing a client and bringing to the foreground unconscious feelings and thoughts or as a means for interpersonal exploration in groups.
Creative Therapies - A psychodynamic approach within occupational therapy
by Kim Atkinson and Catherine Wells, Stanley Thornes, ISBN0 7487 33108
… All of the above cards are very versatile in their use. They offer another medium and activity to the repertoire of creative therapies. Most of the descriptions above suggest using them as a catalyst to verbal expression but they could effectively be used to spark communication through other creative processes – text and verse, paper and paint, clay and sculpture, sound and rythm, body and movement. These cards of interaction and association have a clear potential to facilitate psychodynamic processes at a numer of levels. Because of this they have a value at all stages of the process of change. They are, however, powerful, and we urge you to use them with sensitivity and awareness … We feel very excited about the potential of these cards for psychodynamic OT practice.
The Pencil Sharpener
Veronica Grönte, Sweden, 2001, ISBN 91-973227-8-4
This book is a guide to storytelling and creative writing, plus it demonstrates how the OH, SAGA, HABITAT and PERSONA Cards can be used in the teaching of them. The exercises explained are intended for all age-groups. They can be used from kindergarten on up to adult education. One of the most important tasks for our schools today is to create the necessary conditions for linguistic development.
When we encourage our students in storytelling and creative writing, we draw on an indwelling capacity that each one of them already possesses. But isn´t this at times a complicated process! We teachers have all been wondering what tricks might be used to make writing a pleasure, to inspire even the unmotivated to take up the pen.
‘The Pencil Sharpener’ aims to support the role of the pedagogue as an instructor of creative writing by offering the following:
- Foundations of retoric and dramaturgy – the grammar of stories
- Tools adapted to the building of stories both simple and advanced
- Methods that really work for inciting motivation in students
- Concepts for understanding various qualities of text
- Strategies that simplify the exchange of direct and personal responses
- Ideas that inspire new methods of teaching
‘The Pencil Sharpener’ links the logic of dramaturgy and the faculty of fantasy by guiding its readers in the use of OH, SAGA, HABITAT and PERSONA Cards that invite us to take a step beyond our borders!
Skriva – Dramaturgi som Hjälpmedel när vi Berättar
Fortbildning för Lärare, Pedagoger och Elevassistenter inom Barnoch Ungdomsskolan